Thursday, May 31, 2012

Most Memorable

I'm linking up with Heidi @ My Not So Elementary Life for her Most Memorable Moment of 2011-2012 linky party!

Ok, so I'm supposed to write about the most memorable moment of this school year... Overall, this year has been eye-opening, enriching and simply wonderful, even though I was crazy busy and overwhelmed with planning. It was my first year teaching-- I pull kids who are at-risk and below grade level and provide supplemental support in a small group setting.

Watch out, I'm about to get sentimental...

I think my most memorable moment had to do to with one of my 3rd grade friends. He is waaayyy behind grade level in reading and has been suffering in all other content areas because of it. I have seen him 1-on-1 all year to work on math. He's great with facts, but doesn't have the language he needs to understand anything abstract. My most memorable moment was when I saw his test results from the standardized test each student in the school takes in the fall and spring.  He went from scoring in the 1st, the lowest, percentile to scoring in the 24th percentile! 50% is average, so it's still low enough to qualify for support, but that growth his huge for this kid! It was easily the most rewarding moment all year. I was so proud and happy for him.

Another memorable moment was when I got a note from a 2nd grader that said something like, "Mrs. K----------------  your my favrite teacher." She completely butchered the spelling of my name, but it was soooo sweet.

I love my job. :)
My (Not So) Elementary Life


  1. Thanks for linking up. It is such a treasure to see the little ones improve so much. It makes being a teacher all the more meaningful. Congrats on being a part of the continued success in this little guys life :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. What sweet memories that help us remember why we are teachers. You are touching so many hearts! =)

    Heather's Heart

  3. I had a little guy who wasn't that low, but pretty low. And yes, he had some great growth that is worth celebrating.
    Following you, Sara


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